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22 Januari 2022

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2022 Kategori : Mapel Umum SMK

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Penilaian Akhir Tahun adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan di akhir semester genap untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik pada akhir semester genap. Cakupan penilaian meliputi seluruh indikator yang merepresentasikan KD pada semester genap. Hasil penilaian akhir tahun selanjutnya diolah dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui ketuntasan belajar peserta didik. Hasil penilaian ini dapat dimanfaatkan antara lain untuk pengisian rapor.

Contoh soal-soal Bahasa Inggris penilaian akhir tahun yang sudah disertai kunci jawaban lengkap disetiap butir soal bahasa inggris penilaian akhir tahun dan juga sudah disesuaikan dengan kisi – kisi soal, kurikulum 2013 revisi.

Dengan keseluruhan butir soal bahasa Inggris kelas 10 penilaian akhir tahun keseluruhan adalah 30 pilihan ganda yang mana memberikan soal bahasa inggris dalam bentuk online.

Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris penilaian akhir tahun menjadi salah satu hal yang banyak dicari oleh siswa, dan untuk melatih kemampuan dalam menjawab soal-soal ujian sekolah maupun guru sebagai referensinya dalam pembuatan soal, terutama guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran untuk membuat contoh dalam pembuatan kisi-kisi soal.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 – Penilaian Akhir Semester

Beberapa contoh soal latihan Bahasa Inggris dan kunci jawabannya. Dan jika Anda berkenan untuk dapat melihat dan berkunjung ke halaman Media Informasi Online untuk melihat materi pembelajaran Kejuruan.

Dengan beberapa contoh Bahasa Inggris penilaian akhir tahun ini kita bisa belajar memahami soal dengan menyamakan kunci jawaban untuk mengetahui jawabannya.

  1. I ….. to school alone yesterday” A. Walk B. Walked C. Walking D. Walk in E. Walk Out

Jawaban: B

  1. What kind of this text ?

Read the text carefully and answer the question number 2 to 3 Attention All students must join the class meeting from 15th to 21 st December 2020

Principal, Nathalie

A. A Letter B. A Label C. A Postcard D. An announcement E. A Memo

Jawaban: D

  1. What is the text about ? A. The class meeting in a school B. The winner of the class C. An Invitation D. Planning E. Discussion

Jawaban: A

  1. How ….. do you go there ? A. Often B. Happy C. Sure D. Right E. Well

Jawaban: A

  1. You need to run …. to win this race A. Sleep B. Fast C. Sitting D. Grow E. Slow

Jawaban: B

  1. I hope to see you ….. A. Soon B. No more C. Never D. Easy E. Let’s go

Jawaban: A

  1. These are the functions of memo, except … A. Make a request B. Clarify readers to a problem C. Announce a company policy D. Confirm what has been decided in a conversation E. Find friends

Jawaban: E

  1. Answer the question from 8 until 11

‘ MEMO ‘

To : All Employee From : Teddy Mcbrain The ersonel manager Date : June 23Th 2020 Sub : Company Travel

Effective July 1, all personnel officers traveling on company business must use the most economical means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in bussiness class. No flight regardless of duration can be booked in first class or on the concorde.Who is affected by this memo ?

A. All Personnel officers B. Only the personnel manager C. Only the board of the directors D. Teddy Mcbrian E. Only frequent travelers

Jawaban: A

  1. Why was the Memo written ? A. To save money B. To save time C. To reward the employees D. To increase company travel E. Technical problems

Jawaban: A

  1. If a flight over five hours, what class can be booked A. First B. Business C. Concorde D. Executive E. Economy

Jawaban: B

  1. When will the rule be effective ? A. In five months B. At the first of year C. At the end of summer D. In two month E. In about a week

Jawaban: E

  1. We ….. in this restaurant 2 days ago. A. Eat B. Ate C. Eating D. Eaten E Eater

Jawaban: B

  1. We …. To Aceh 2 weeks ago A. Go B. Gone C. Went D. Do E. Did

Jawaban: C

  1. From the text we know that …

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 16 A story from the yard two roosters wer e fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard. One finally gained advantage and the otherf surrendered. The loosing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could. Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The loosing rooster immedietly came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from that on.

A. Only one rooster can rule the roost B. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings C. The eagle had watched them all day D. The farm need new king E. Tomorrow they will be happy

Jawaban: C

  1. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ? A. An eagle watching the rooster from a distance B. The loosing rooster came out from its hiding place C. The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey D. The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly E. Best moment for all roosters

Jawaban: C

  1. What can we learn from the story ? A. There’ the bigger enemy in this life B. Your friend can be your enemy C. Always grab an opportunity D. Don’t be cocky when we have achieved our goal E. No body is perfect

Jawaban: D

17…… book is so interesting, nana buys it in the bookstore. A. His B. Her C. We D. She E. Me

Jawaban: B

  1. He loves ….. so much, because I am very kind A. Me B. Mine C. My D. Your E. His

Jawaban: A

  1. My brotheralways the ranks first in his class and so do I. I am …. my brother. A. As smart as B. Smarter than C. Smarter D. Smartest E. Best

Jawaban: A

  1. Claire is so beautifull, …. likes to make up. A. They B. She C. He D. Her E. Our

Jawaban: B

  1. Randy was sleepy, ….. needs to sleep A. He B. Friend C. Mine D. Girl E. Me

Jawaban: A

  1. My new job is …. than my old job A. Gooder B. Goodest C. Better D. Best E. Good

Jawaban: C

  1. My school is 3 Km from here, the market is 4 Km from here and the town square is 5 Km from here.

Which the statement is not true ?

A. The school nearer than the market B. The market is nearer than the town square C. The school is the nearest D. The market is the farthest E. The school nearer than town square

Jawaban: C

  1. This exam is important. You must … A. Studied B. Studies C. Study D. Learning E. Studying

Jawaban: C

  1. She …. the house everyday A. Cleans B. Cleaned C. Serve D. Went E. Out

Jawaban: A

  1. I need an umbrella because it’s …. right now

A. Raining B. Singing C. Playing D. Searching E. Going

Jawaban: A

  1. Sushan and Lilis … writing poems for an english subject A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Were E. Was

Jawaban: B

  1. What …. you …. A. Is – doing B. Are – doing C. Am – doing D. Were – doing E. Was – don’t

Jawaban: B

  1. Andy …. Rian went to library. A. But B. And C. Or D. No E. Ever

Jawaban: B

  1. Don’t stand ….. of Television, I can’t see it.

A. Infront B. Under C. Above D. Up E. To

Jawaban: A

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